finally i in class eb 23 during 1 year ..
many memories are sad, happy together ..
somehow, later in the level 2 see them again or not ..
but, most of us have plans to always meet at other times, maybe just say hello or stories about the assignment ..
yaa,, it's okay ..
I here found a new family who can understand where i  sad, happy, help each other and everything ...
maybe I'll really miss eb 23 ..
maybe, on level 2 I found a new family eb 23 like this?
we see later on the 10th of September .. :):)

thanks a lot for my friends who can be my best friend in the classroom during 1 year ..

thanks to linda, puni, tanti, lona, etin, nanda, togar, angga, muhni, iwan, iman, yudhi, dhia, johan, biondi, dea, dista, egi, ika, santi, qq, rina, all my friend.. :)
sorry my friend not all the names in the specified.
I once again thank you and success is always to my friends ..

sorry my English was a mess..hehehee


  1. huhu I so want to cry see this
    I will always miss you my dear Desta, success for our college ya dear :* :*
    i really miss youuu

  2. ikaa... jangan sombong yaa.. :( miss you too darl.. :(

  3. teman - teman jangan pada sombong ya.. saling tolong-menolong yaa...
    sedih juga bacanya, jadi pengen nangis... :'(

  4. ikh angga nangis...hihihii terharu yaa :D :D
    iyaa jangan sombong juga yaa :)
    blajar bareng" lagi.. :D semoga sukses buat teman-temanku dalam kuliahnya.. amiin :')


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