Assigment 2 BIB2 History of Daendel's Road

Desta Yusan KP/3EB17/21210851

One of the Dutch colonial legacy can still be felt to this day is the North Coast Road (coast). Pantura road which we now know is largely a relic known as the Dutch De Grote Postweg or Post Road from Anyer to Panarukan. This road was built in the era of Herman Willem Daendels, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies 36th. Daendels ruled between the years 1808-1811. At that time the Netherlands were occupied by the French. Most of this road is now a north coast road which runs along the northern coast of Java. This road construction is a monumental project Daendels, but must be paid to the many violations of human rights because it is done by force without compensation or forced labor. Thousands of Indonesian people died in forced labor. Post Road was originally built for the military defense of the Netherlands in the mass. Anyer-Panarukan road is also used to support the Dutch cultivation system (cultuur stelsel), who was then applied to the Dutch colonial. With the way this crop of Priangan more easily delivered to the port in Cirebon brought into the country for the next windmill. This road also shorten travel time by road from Surabaya to Batavia previously taken 40 days could be shortened to seven days. It's an incredible achievement at that time. This road is also very useful for sending a letter by Daendels then managed within the postal service. At first, each 4.5 kilometer road checkpoint was set up as a place to stop and sending liaison letters. Post Road construction purpose is to facilitate communication between Daendels controlled areas along Java and as a bulwark in the North Coast of Java Island. Because that's the way it was originally called De Grote Postweg or Post Road from Anyer to Panarukan. To build this project, Daendels require every native rulers to mobilize the people, with the target of making the road many miles. Sadistic, gentry or native rulers who failed to work on the project, including workers, were killed. Not only that, their heads and hung in the trees either side of the road. Governor General Daendels was scary, he cruel, sadistic and merciless. Since the number of casualties in road construction-Banten Batavia still confusing, according to some historians, victims of some 15,000 people died and many who died without a decent burial. However Daendels increasingly hard to face the people, he did not hesitate ordering his troops to murder a fellow who fails or refuses to work in road building for any reason. With the iron hand was completed in just one year alone (1808). A remarkable achievement in his day. That's why the name of Daendels and Post Road and worldwide known until now. The road has now more than 200 years old, however most of the roads Daendels can still be used. Even this road became the only land access to to Anyer. History also records how the dark history of this road.

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