
Menampilkan postingan dari 2013

Kode Etik Profesi TNI

Assalamu'alaikum Sebelumnya saya sudah membahas tentang pelanggaran etika disekitar kita, dan sekarang saya akan memberikan contoh kode etik profesi Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI), sebelum masuk ke kode etik TNI sebaiknya kita harus tau masing - masing dari pengertian kode etik atau membahas dasar - dasar yang dimaksud dengan etika, profesi, etika profesi, kode etik, dan kode etik profesi. Semoga tulisan saya dapat memberikan manfaat dan pengetahuan baru untuk saya dan pembaca (red :teman - teman lainnya).  A. Pengertian Etika Dari asal usul kata, Etika berasal dari bahasa Yunani “ethos” yang bearti adat istiadat/ kebiasaan yang baik. Etika adalah ilmu tentang apa yang baik dan yang buruk, tentang hak dan kewajiban moral. Etika juga dapat diartikan sebagai kumpulan asas / nilai yang berkenaan dengan akhlak, nilai yang mengenai yang benar dan salah yang dianut masyarakat. B. Pengertian Profesi Profesi adalah suatu pekerjaan yang melaksanakan tugasnya memerlukan atau...

Pelanggaran Etika

Assalamu'alaikum  Saya akan menuliskan beberapa peristiwa/kejadian yang menurut saya ini pelanggaran etika Tujuannya saya share disini adalah selain tugas mata kuliah softskill dan pelajaran bagi kita saya dan juga pembaca blog saya karena ada hal sedikit saja yang terkadang kita tidak menyadari bahwa apa yang kita lakukan terkadang membuat orang lain tidak nyaman. Yuk disimak :) Minggu, 6 Oktober 2013 Hari minggu ini tidak banyak melakukan aktivitas diluar ruangan atau diluar rumah. Sehingga saya tidak terlalu banyak mendapati pelanggaran etika disekeliling saya, tapi rasanya ada etika yang kurang baik yang saya lakukan sendiri. Malu pastinya terdapat tugas untuk menganalisa dan mencatat pelanggaran etika yang ternyata dilanggar sendiri walaupun pelanggaran dirumah tidak terlalu besar. Ya, setiap sabtu - minggu walaupun dirumah memakai jasa asisten rumah tangga tetap kami harus mengerjakan sendiri apa yang bisa dikerjakan, misal : merapihkan tempat tidur, mencuci ...

Assigment 3 BIB2 History about Catfish Statue

Desta Yusan KP/3EB17/21210851 Catfish statue used to be in the middle of the city of Bekasi. Existence so bookmark favorite way of being in the middle of the road and a big statue. Catfish statue is between Railway Station, the largest mosque in Bekasi, Regional General Hospital also Bekasi Police Department. Actual statue Lele Lele fish and fruit-shaped lute, but better known as the Statue of catfish. The statue was built in Regent tenure Moch. Djamhari around 1995 and will become the city's trademark Bekasi. Be Sculpture catfish and lute pieces decorate the city for seven years. Apparently the good wishes of Regents is not necessarily good for the people. Most people who join in Bekasi especially Kinship Society Bekasi Agency (BKMB) and which one is Muchtadi chairman Mochtar, feel Statue catfish and do not reflect the lute Bekasi. BKMB protest filed by the Board to Mr. Moch. Djamhari, Regent of Bekasi, but not addressed, eventually protest addressed to Mr. Nonon Sont...

Assigment 2 BIB2 History of Daendel's Road

Desta Yusan KP/3EB17/21210851 One of the Dutch colonial legacy can still be felt to this day is the North Coast Road (coast). Pantura road which we now know is largely a relic known as the Dutch De Grote Postweg or Post Road from Anyer to Panarukan. This road was built in the era of Herman Willem Daendels, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies 36th. Daendels ruled between the years 1808-1811. At that time the Netherlands were occupied by the French. Most of this road is now a north coast road which runs along the northern coast of Java. This road construction is a monumental project Daendels, but must be paid to the many violations of human rights because it is done by force without compensation or forced labor. Thousands of Indonesian people died in forced labor. Post Road was originally built for the military defense of the Netherlands in the mass. Anyer-Panarukan road is also used to support the Dutch cultivation system (cultuur stelsel), who was then applied to th...

Assigment 1 BIB 2 History of The Name of Jakarta

Desta Yusan Kurnia Putri/3EB17/21210851 Jakarta started out as a small port on the estuary of Ciliwung River around 500 years ago. As the centuries passed the port city grew into a buzzing international trade center. Early knowledge on Jakarta has been uncovered, though in bits and pieces, through the many stone tablets that had been discovered in and around the port. Information on Jakarta up until the arrival of European explorers is few at best. Accounts of 16th century European writers make mention of a city called Kalapa, which apparently served as the primary port of a Hindu kingdom called Sunda, which had its capital at Pajajaran, and was situated approximately 40 kilometers inland, nearby where Bogor nowadays is. The Portuguese where the first large European party to have had made it to the port of Kalapa. The city was later besieged by a young man named Fatahillah, who hailed from a kingdom nearby Kalapa. Fatahillah renamed Sunda Kalapa Jayakarta on 22 June 1527. It’s...

Assignment 3_B.IB2

Assignment 3 Desta Yusan KP/3eb17/21210851 NOUN : 1. She is beautiful and her beauty has made her proud. 2. Oh my goodness, look at the size of that cake! It's very tempting i want to eat it!. 3. 4. For making the origami you need quickness. 5. You need more sharpness for your camera when take a picture. ADJECTIVE 1. She is as beautiful as her sister. 2. Resya is singing with a good voice. 3. He said that he always drives fast. 4. 5. VERB 1. You can beautify your body with red dress. 2. Rico is doing well when playing football as a goalkeeper. 3. I have fasten my step to get the bus. 4.  Ghozy has quicken his foot while run after the ball. 5. Desta sharpen her pencil for the final exam. ADVERB 1. The rich woman learned from experts how to arrange flowers beautifully. 2. KFC one of the most fast food in our country. 3. My sister got up early and cooked breakfast quickly. 4.

Assignment Part 2_B.IB2

Assignment Part 2 Desta Yusan KP/3eb17/21210851 Noun : Beauty, Goodness, Fastness, Quickness, Sharpness Adjective : Beautiful, Good, Fast, Quick, Sharp Verb : Beautify, Well, Fasten, Quicken, Sharpen Adverb : Beautifully, - , Fast, Quickly, Sharply

Assignment Part 1_B.IB 2

Assignment Part 1 Desta Yusan KP/3eb17/21210851 1.   Look at the mirror , and see how beautiful you really are. verb : look , noun : mirror , adj : beautiful , adv : really 2.   I close the door so I can't see the creepy man standing in front of my house . verb : close , nou n : door , adj : creepy , adv : in front of my house 3.  You knew it was huge a trouble but crazily you still did it. verb : knew , noun : trouble , adj : huge , adv : crazily 4.   The assignmen t should be easily done if we were focused . verb : done , noun : the assignment , adj : easily , adv : focused 5.  L ast thing i want to do before i sleep is seeing the good the picture of you . verb : want , noun : thing , adj : last , adv : picture of you

Assigment Tenses B.IB2

Assigments          Make 3 sentences of simple present          Make 3 sentences of simple past      Make 3 sentences of present continuous     Make 3 sentences of present perfect         Make 3 sentences of Simple future Answer  Simple Present (+)   She drive a car everyday (-)    She doesn't drive a car everyday                   (?)   Does she drive a car everyday ? -           Simple Past (+) She drove a car yesterday (-)   She didn't a car everyday (?)   Did she drive a car everyday ? -           Present Continuous (+) She is driving a car now (-)  She isn't driving a car now       ...

Tenggelamnya Impian

Assalamu'alaikum.. Saya ingin berbagi tentang impian.. Ya setiap orang mempunyai impian yang berbeda- beda, termasuk saya. Tapi apa rasanya kalau impian kita semakin lama semakin menjauh sampai kita sadar impian kita tidak bisa terwujudkan sampai hari ini ??? rasanya sangat menyesakkan dada :'( hmm apakah kita akan menyerah begitu saja ? apa yang kita lakukan untuk impian kita yang semakin lama semakin tenggelam ?

Goodbye 2012 - Welcome 2013

Assalamu'alaikum.. Tidak terasa tahun berlalu begitu cepat. Sampai akhirnya sudah ada di tahun yang berbeda. Semua kejadan di tahun 2012 membuatku berfikir, membuatku ingin adanya resolusi hidup, masalah - masalah yang ada di tahun 2012 membuatku banyak menguras air mata, akan tetapi memang benar apa yang orang lain katakan " dibalik musibah, ada hikmah ". Dengan kejadian - kejadian yang membuat aku gusar, galau di tahun 2012 aku semakin bisa belajar sabar, tegar, dan mencoba menghadapi masalah dengan kepala dingin. :) yaa, semua karena adanya permasalahan menjadikan aku lebih dewasa secara pemikiran dan bertindak. Semoga di tahun 2013 banyak hal - hal positive yang aku dapatkan.  Amiin :) Wassalamu'alaikum..